You know i always start the night off right.

Dan Ryan had more than $5 on it. TRUST.

Told ya'.

Cuervo and Mark.

En Route.

As you can see... actually no, you really can't see in there.

Got greeted with a wristband, a happy face on the hand, a shot-glass necklace, and kisses from all three. Jealous???

EAZY-E ALWAYS holds it down.

I know, the flash fuckin' hurts the eyes. Oh wait, i think your eyes were already like this when i came.

I don't remember taking this for some reason.

By the time i got done with a game of beer pong, this is how i saw the room.

Renan is always smiling.

Action shot.

"Hey, can we have a picture with the hookah?"
Sure, but i don't know why...

The always beautiful Francine... and friends... who like taking pictures with hookahs.

Dr. Santos shows me his version of my signature medicinal move. Two in the pink, one in the... nevermind.

Jags on the wall and Jags on the table. I KNOW you can't hang.

Desiree and friends.

Time for randoms:

The lovely Kara and always selfless Marilu.

..well maybe not always.

Albert was too busy to take a picture.

De La Ciudad.

Clear Path.

Fucc'd up.

Shaun... need i say more?

...And now, for the first time ever, i am introducing a new section to my blog.
Throw up the shock for Johnny!

Actually, this was the only REAL shocker... But im lookin' for em. So next time you see me, throw it up.

And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for.

This girl, whoever she was, made a perfect ending. The last one for all you polliwogs. FUCK YOU.