Alex cooked the chocolate chip pancakes.

Eric patiently waited.

Nathan was so exited that he couldn't stop figeting.

Oh, and just so everyone knows... this is Alex's living room/kitchen. Yes, LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN.

After breakfast, Alex tried to teach me how to make a fencing foil. Personally, i'd just go buy one.

As i got out of the bathroom, i found these two on the bed. So i suddenly had the bright idea of starting the day off with my good friend Captain Morgan (not pictured). Thanks for the inspiration guys.

Once Eric and I had our couple glasses we decided to hit the streets.

Alex had the priviledge of driving.

...which meant Catch had SHOTGUN.

...which meant i took stupid pictures of things like this.

...which meant i had to give my camera to Catherine in order to get decent pictures.

...cuz' my fatass was stuck in the middle of the backseat. I like to call it the penis of the car.

City life.

Then we stopped to get this yogurt that Catherine had been telling me about. To be honest, im not a big fan of Pinkberry, YogurtLand, or any other yogurt place, but this yogurt was something to be reckoned with.

I passed by this dude working at this "Chicken Pot Pie" place. He looked like he was having a good day. He started laughing after i took this.

We started getting hungry for real food, so we hit up Blondies.

We couldn't figure out what to do, so we decided to head to Haight street. We all needed to find something to wear to some stupid 80's themed party. On the way, we passed by this building with furniture hanging all on the sides of it. I thought it was pretty damn creative.

I couldn't get to the same place where i took a picture of this Ben & Jerry's last year. ...actually, i was just too damn lazy to walk to where i took the picture.

After "buying" the most ridiculous outfits to the fucking party, we decided to go back to USF.

...to do this:

Once alex woke his ass up, we started pre-gaming for the party. I was already feeling good even before the party so i didn't take many pictures. Actually, i gave my camera to Catherine to hold for me, and i just forgot to get it. But here are the two that were decent:



After we left the party, we got into a little scuffle with a few douchebags. Fuckin' posers were all talk so we ignored the Fucks. Nathan was a G though. We headed to the Ritz again, but it wasn't happenin' so we went back to Berkeley to call it a night.
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