Started out last week with a pop-up kicker at the Clores'.
I created a ridulously stoops handshake with her.

Cholo & Cholita.


Went to TAO with the help of Nate Dogg. Two words: THE CRAZE.

Too bad these suckers didn't know about the side entrances.

The view from our section.

Happy New Year!

As you can see, I had no contact with the outside world that night.

The GF threw a Cowboys and Indians party.
She tried to be cool and be the only girl dressed as a cowboy... or, cowgirl?

But then Catherine came and thought that she would be the only cowgirl too. I told those breezies to kill themselves.

We stayed true, and assumed the proper attire.

Round em' up Ruth, Pocahontas, Shootin' Sally, & Sacagawea.

See the bitterness and anger shared amongst the two conflicting groups?

They've been shocked... "Cultureshock"ed that is!

It went from, "nice little themed get-together," to "drunkfest" really fast.
Exhibit #1.

Exhibit #2.

Exhibit #3.

Exhibit #4.

...and now I rest my case.

Check the aftermath.

Thanks Albert.

And these are what I have from The 2009 Bombshell.
JCK in the back.

Coolguy Mitch & "Gettin' em" Francis.

My breezies.

The coolest people at the party.

And this was pretty much how i saw everything last night.

Now it's time to get some rest and say goodbye to 2008.

...with a middle finger of course.

Photos courtesy of Marilu, Monic, Rachel, and iPhone.
you by far.. have the best captions for pictures! tis like a story! :)
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