Last, LAST friday, Eric and I decided to go to the bay. Why? We really don't know. And it took us ALL of 10 minutes to figure out how we were going to get there, where we were going to stay, and what we were going to do there. I then proceeded to pack, grab my shitty little point-n-shoot, smoke a cigarette and really think about what we were going to embark on. So at around 9 P.M., Eric came to my house and off we were.
Nothin' like In-N-Out to start a trip off.

Together we had $100. All of which was going into our gas for the trip. Oh, and by the way, Eric had $90 and I had $10.

Cruised at about 80 the whole way.

Stopped somewhere to re-up on fuel.

We also had to re-up on air for the tires.

After about 5 hours, we finally made it to the Bay Bridge.

We finally made it to Catherine's room, and this is all she has to say.

Eric thought it was funny.

No beer, no nothin'. Just sleep.
The next morning we decided to go see the one thing that Eric and I haven't seen on our many trips up to SF... The Golden Gate Bridge.

Eric: So how do we get there?
Catherine: I don't know...


This was the first time i'd seen her since i was about 10.

We were lucky that we were even able to see her. It had rained all week in SF, and it began raining again later that night.

They wanted to make this their Christmas card this year... Stoops.


After the bridge, we had lunch with Catch's friends. They then decided to get their nails done. Eric and I weren't about to watch them, so we headed downtown.

We also visited Tony and the rest of The Hundreds fam.

Afterwards, we decided to head back to USF and rest a little. Here's a nightshot of the church... from afar.

After a couple hours, we decided to go the the city-wide pillowfight... drunk, of course. Unfortunately, because of my intoxication, i left my camera in Catherine's room. Fortunately, we met Aldie and Cristina there, and Aldie has some great footage his blog. Click
HEREWe woke up the next day and went to the D. Young Museum. I took way too many pictures, so i'll blog about it next time. Afterwards, we went to Hooters to watch the NBA All-Star game.

Since Eric was feeling under the weather, we headed back to Catch's after dinner. Eric nursed his fever, Catherine spent 5 hours on facebook, and I got drunk. typical.
The next morning, we left and headed back to LALALand. First, we dropped Catherine off in Berkeley at Alex's place.

About 3 hours after we left the SF, Eric and I heard that the Grapevine was closed and that an alternate route was suggested. We decided to have a little adventure and take the detour. We didn't know that we were in for a hellova ride.
After passing through Bakersfield, we saw something on the freeway.

There was a fuckin' helicopter on the freeway!

Apparently, someone had rolled their SUV.

We took the alternate route to avoid snow, hail, and rain. It didn't matter, we got plenty of all three.

And then we ended up in the Mojave desert.

After crazy amounts of rain, slight hail, ice covered roads, 8 hours of total driving and one loooonnnnngg conversation, we made it home... To downey... Which isn't really home... and found Cuervo.