As usual, Eric and I are first to arrive... C'mon, im the boyfriend!

It was a lingerie-themed party...

They thought they were wearing lingerie.

Matty was telling me how many nipples he had.

Thanks for that Johnny Black!

Kara and Brittany know how to get fucked up.

Chuck was cool. But not as cool as that Chanel necklace/chain/ancient pharaoh thingy.

Yomeezy, Lil Yomeezy, and Yomeezy's Beezie.

Smile Aldie!

This dude in the middle... He got punked by a girl that night.

Picture of a picture.

This dude said he was a model. Model for what? Twilight?



Adrian and Mark look like twins.


That's cute beb.

Here come the Hawaiians.

Wow... Another white guy?! I don't remember this dude.

I don't know any of these girls. I don't remember them either.

Joolz wanted a picture of a picture too.

Haaaannnngggg Loooooooooose.

I love it.

Once again... I don't remember who these two were.


Steezy Breezy and her friends.

Just for the fuck of it.


...aaaaannnnnnddddd goodnight.

1 comment:
Psh and I didn't recieve an invite
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