It dawned on me that a free trip on the train of LOVE doesn't exist. A free meal, a free drink, nor a free bag of peanuts. It's not as if i expected it, its only that i hoped for it. However, hope is something that many people get carried away on. Im one of those people. One of those lowly hopeless people.
I don't remember if she promised it, nor do i remember if she even offered to do it. All i remember is that she would and all i hoped for was that she really did. Its another one of those things where i hope so much for something to happen, and sadly, it doesn't. Its just another day where something i dream and smile about all day just doesn't occur. Im not saying the smiles were scripted, all im saying is that they were all just a teeny weeny bit wider. If i never smile again i hope she understands why.
Too many let downs and too many heartbreaks. I mean "heartbreak" in its most belittled form. Its as if a young boy's mother tells him that they're going to see a basketball game after work, yet only takes him to watch "Coach Carter" on the silver screen. The child is disapointed, but hopes that one day his mother will actually follow through with the small commitment she has made to take him to see the Lakers. I suppose im much like the little boy... hoping that one day she will take me to the Staples Center.
-Johnny "never again" Lance.
P.S. I know i tend to ramble...